Hardship Fund
From the demands on the food bank we know that many people in Witney and the surrounding villages are already in need and that our Ministry Team already provides help. We can be sure that those who are vulnerable now will be even worse off as the Coronavirus peaks in the coming months. Additionally, those whose livelihood has been damaged by the virus so that they, through no fault of their own, are unable to fully support their families.
Our Archbishops have said that we “must be in the forefront of providing practical care and support for the most poor and the most vulnerable”.
You are invited to contribute to a hardship fund. Please would you donate by either a one off payment or ongoing contributions while the emergency lasts.
Payments to be made to our bank account
Account Name: Witney PCC
Account Number: 00971626
Sort Code: 20-97-48
Reference: Hardship Fund